Monday, 29 July 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013
VB 11 Tutorial 10: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 10: Getting Started
Today we will be learning on how to use Classes.
Friday, 12 July 2013 how to make a paint control (Drawing) Tutorial How to create a PaintControl
' if you would like to jsut skip to the example: Download Here
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class PaintControl : Inherits Windows.Forms.Control
Private cSlide As BitSlide
Private cIsMouseDown As Boolean = False
Private cLastPoint As Point = Nothing
Public copacity As Integer = 255
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As MouseEventArgs)
cIsMouseDown = True
If e.Location.X + CInt(Me.Tag) < Me.Size.Width - 2 AndAlso e.Location.Y + CInt(Me.Tag) < Me.Size.Height - 2 Then
cSlide.AddPoint(e.Location, Me.ForeColor, Me.Tag, copacity)
cLastPoint = e.Location
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
cSlide = New BitSlide(Me.Size)
End Sub
Public Enum ExportType
AsString = 0
AsByteArray = 1
End Enum
Public Sub Save(ByVal FileLocation As String, ByVal SaveType As ExportType)
Select Case SaveType
Case ExportType.AsByteArray
IO.File.WriteAllBytes(FileLocation, cSlide.SaveAsByteArray())
Case ExportType.AsString
IO.File.WriteAllText(FileLocation, cSlide.SaveAsString)
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Load(ByVal Byte1() As Byte)
cSlide = New BitSlide
End Sub
Public Sub Load(ByVal string1 As String)
cSlide = New BitSlide
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As MouseEventArgs)
If cIsMouseDown AndAlso e.Location.X > 0 AndAlso e.Location.Y > 0 AndAlso e.Location.X + CInt(Me.Tag) < Me.Size.Width - 2 AndAlso e.Location.Y + CInt(Me.Tag) < Me.Size.Height - 2 Then
If cLastPoint = Nothing Then
cLastPoint = e.Location
End If
cSlide.AddPoint(e.Location, Me.ForeColor, Me.Tag, copacity, cLastPoint)
cLastPoint = e.Location
cLastPoint = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(e As MouseEventArgs)
cIsMouseDown = False
cLastPoint = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub undo()
End Sub
Sub New()
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.FixedHeight, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.FixedWidth, True)
Me.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None
Me.Tag = 1
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaintBackground(pevent As PaintEventArgs)
Me.BackgroundImage = cSlide.Paint(Me.Size.Width, Me.Size.Height)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
cSlide = New BitSlide(Me.Size)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Structure BitSlide
Public BitmapSlide As Bitmap
Public X1() As Integer
Public Y1() As Integer
Public X2() As Integer
Public Y2() As Integer
Public c1() As Color
Public T1() As Integer
Public O1() As Integer
Private z As Integer
Private l As Integer ' last to draw...
Public Function SaveAsByteArray() As Byte()
' x1,y2
' if setpixel = -1,-1 else x2,y2
', color.r bg
Dim pstring As New StringBuilder
pstring.AppendLine(BitmapSlide.Width & "," & BitmapSlide.Height)
For i = 0 To z - 1
If X1(i) = X2(i) And Y1(i) = Y2(i) Then
pstring.AppendLine(X1(i) & "," & Y1(i) & ",-1,-1," & c1(i).R & "," & c1(i).G & "," & c1(i).B & "," & T1(i) & "," & O1(i))
pstring.AppendLine(X1(i) & "," & Y1(i) & "," & X2(i) & "," & Y2(i) & "," & c1(i).R & "," & c1(i).G & "," & c1(i).B & "," & T1(i) & "," & O1(i))
End If
Return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(pstring.ToString)
End Function
Public Function SaveAsString() As String
' x1,y2
' if setpixel = -1,-1 else x2,y2
', color.r bg
Dim pstring As New StringBuilder
pstring.AppendLine(BitmapSlide.Width & "," & BitmapSlide.Height)
For i = 0 To z - 1
If X1(i) = X2(i) And Y1(i) = Y2(i) Then
pstring.AppendLine(X1(i) & "," & Y1(i) & ",-1,-1," & c1(i).R & "," & c1(i).G & "," & c1(i).B & "," & T1(i) & "," & O1(i))
pstring.AppendLine(X1(i) & "," & Y1(i) & "," & X2(i) & "," & Y2(i) & "," & c1(i).R & "," & c1(i).G & "," & c1(i).B & "," & T1(i) & "," & O1(i))
End If
Return pstring.ToString
End Function
Public Sub load(ByVal byte1() As Byte)
Dim pstring() As String = Split(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetChars(byte1), vbCrLf)
Dim X As Integer = pstring.Length - 1
ReDim Preserve X1(X)
ReDim Preserve Y1(X)
ReDim Preserve X2(X)
ReDim Preserve Y2(X)
ReDim Preserve c1(X)
ReDim Preserve T1(X)
ReDim Preserve O1(X)
BitmapSlide = Nothing
BitmapSlide = New Bitmap(CInt(Split(pstring(0), ",")(0)), CInt(Split(pstring(0), ",")(1)))
z = X + 1
l = 0
For i = 1 To pstring.Length - 2
Dim Columns() As String = Split(pstring(i), ",")
If Columns(2) = "-1" Then
X1(i) = Columns(0)
Y1(i) = Columns(1)
X2(i) = Columns(0)
Y2(i) = Columns(1)
c1(i) = Color.FromArgb(Columns(4), Columns(5), Columns(6))
T1(i) = Columns(7)
O1(i) = Columns(8)
X1(i) = Columns(0)
Y1(i) = Columns(1)
X2(i) = Columns(2)
Y2(i) = Columns(3)
c1(i) = Color.FromArgb(Columns(4), Columns(5), Columns(6))
T1(i) = Columns(7)
O1(i) = Columns(8)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub load(ByVal pfile As String)
Dim pstring() As String = Split(pfile, vbCrLf)
Dim X As Integer = pstring.Length - 1
ReDim Preserve X1(X)
ReDim Preserve Y1(X)
ReDim Preserve X2(X)
ReDim Preserve Y2(X)
ReDim Preserve c1(X)
ReDim Preserve T1(X)
ReDim Preserve O1(X)
BitmapSlide = Nothing
BitmapSlide = New Bitmap(CInt(Split(pstring(0), ",")(0)), CInt(Split(pstring(0), ",")(1)))
z = X + 1
l = 0
For i = 1 To pstring.Length - 2
Dim Columns() As String = Split(pstring(i), ",")
If Columns(2) = "-1" Then
X1(i) = Columns(0)
Y1(i) = Columns(1)
X2(i) = Columns(0)
Y2(i) = Columns(1)
c1(i) = Color.FromArgb(Columns(4), Columns(5), Columns(6))
T1(i) = Columns(7)
O1(i) = Columns(8)
X1(i) = Columns(0)
Y1(i) = Columns(1)
X2(i) = Columns(2)
Y2(i) = Columns(3)
c1(i) = Color.FromArgb(Columns(4), Columns(5), Columns(6))
T1(i) = Columns(7)
O1(i) = Columns(8)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub undo()
If z - (2 + 5) > 0 Then
Dim x As Integer = z - (2 + 5)
ReDim Preserve X1(x)
ReDim Preserve Y1(x)
ReDim Preserve X2(x)
ReDim Preserve Y2(x)
ReDim Preserve c1(x)
ReDim Preserve T1(x)
ReDim Preserve O1(x)
BitmapSlide = Nothing
z -= 6
l = 0
ElseIf z > 0 Then
Dim x As Integer = z - 2
ReDim Preserve X1(x)
ReDim Preserve Y1(x)
ReDim Preserve X2(x)
ReDim Preserve Y2(x)
ReDim Preserve c1(x)
ReDim Preserve T1(x)
ReDim Preserve O1(x)
BitmapSlide = Nothing
z -= 1
l = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddPoint(ByVal point1 As Point, ByVal color1 As Color, ByVal Thinkness As Integer, ByVal opacity As Integer, Optional ByVal point2 As Point = Nothing)
If point2 = Nothing Then
ReDim Preserve X1(z) : X1(z) = point1.X
ReDim Preserve Y1(z) : Y1(z) = point1.Y
ReDim Preserve X2(z) : X2(z) = point1.X
ReDim Preserve Y2(z) : Y2(z) = point1.Y
If point1 = point2 Then
ReDim Preserve X1(z) : X1(z) = point1.X
ReDim Preserve Y1(z) : Y1(z) = point1.Y
ReDim Preserve X2(z) : X2(z) = point1.X
ReDim Preserve Y2(z) : Y2(z) = point1.Y
ReDim Preserve X1(z) : X1(z) = point1.X
ReDim Preserve Y1(z) : Y1(z) = point1.Y
ReDim Preserve X2(z) : X2(z) = point2.X
ReDim Preserve Y2(z) : Y2(z) = point2.Y
End If
End If
ReDim Preserve T1(z) : T1(z) = Thinkness
ReDim Preserve c1(z) : c1(z) = color1
ReDim Preserve O1(z) : O1(z) = opacity
z += 1
End Sub
Sub New(ByVal sizeOfCanvas As Point)
BitmapSlide = New Bitmap(sizeOfCanvas.X, sizeOfCanvas.Y)
z = 0
End Sub
Public Function Paint(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Bitmap
If BitmapSlide Is Nothing Then
BitmapSlide = New Bitmap(x, y)
End If
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BitmapSlide)
g.PixelOffsetMode = Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
g.CompositingQuality = Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.GammaCorrected
g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
For i = l To z - 1
If X1(i) = X2(i) And Y1(i) = Y2(i) Then
For y = 0 To T1(i) - 1
For p = 0 To T1(i) - 1
BitmapSlide.SetPixel(X1(i) + y, Y1(i) + p, Color.FromArgb(O1(i), c1(i).R, c1(i).G, c1(i).B))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(O1(i), c1(i).R, c1(i).G, c1(i).B), T1(i)), X1(i), Y1(i), X2(i), Y2(i))
End If
l = z
Return BitmapSlide
End Function
Public Sub SetNewSize(ByVal nSize As Size)
If BitmapSlide IsNot Nothing Then
If nSize <> BitmapSlide.Size Then
Dim tempBitmap As New Bitmap(nSize.Width, nSize.Height)
For i = z - 1 To 0 Step -1
If X1(i) = X2(i) And Y1(i) = Y2(i) Then
Dim HasChanged As Boolean = False
FixPoint(X1(i), Y1(i), nSize, HasChanged)
If HasChanged Then
X2(i) = X1(i)
Y2(i) = Y1(i)
End If
FixPoint(X1(i), Y1(i), nSize, False)
FixPoint(X2(i), Y2(i), nSize, False)
End If
BitmapSlide = tempBitmap
l = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FixPoint(ByRef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer, ByRef size As Size, ByRef hasChanged As Boolean)
If x > size.Width - 1 Then
x = size.Width - 1
hasChanged = True
End If
If y > size.Height - 1 Then
y = size.Height - 1
hasChanged = True
End If
End Sub
End Structure
End Class
double buffer,
Getting Started,
Numeric Values,
Friday, 5 July 2013
VB 11 Tutorial 9: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 9: Getting Started
Today we will be learning on how to make our own classes.
Overview: Classes are Objects, when you create a class it is Setup like a Type.
Overview: Classes are Objects, when you create a class it is Setup like a Type.
VB 11 Simple Applications: Encryption
VB 11 Simple Applications: Encryption
Just an Example of a simple encryption you can make with your friends.
If you would like to skip this, and would like to just download the source code click Here
If you would like to skip this, and would like to just download the source code click Here
VB 11 Tutorial 8: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 8: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Math Syntax Please refer to Tutorial 7: Here
Today we will be learning how to use Variables By Reference
Today we will be learning how to use Variables By Reference
VB 11 Tutorial 7: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 7: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Loops and For Statements Please refer to Tutorial 6: Here
Today we will be learning how to use maths in VB
Today we will be learning how to use maths in VB
VB 11 Tutorial 6: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 6: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Functions Please refer to Tutorial 5: Here
Today we will be learning how to use loops and for statements
Today we will be learning how to use loops and for statements
VB 11 Tutorial 5: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 5: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Arrays Please refer to Tutorial 4: Here
Today we will be working on how to make a function.
Today we will be working on how to make a function.
VB 11 Tutorial 4: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 4: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Numeric Values Please refer to Tutorial 3: Here
Today we will be working with Arrays.
Today we will be working with Arrays.
VB 11 Tutorial 3: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 3: Getting Started
If you have not yet learnt about Strings Please refer to Tutorial 2: Here
Today we will be working with Numeric and different types of Numeric values.
Today we will be working with Numeric and different types of Numeric values.
VB 11 Tutorial 2: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 2: Getting Started
If you have not got Visual Studio please refer to Tutorial 1: Here
Today we will be playing with Strings, definition of a string. in my words a group of bytes in a managed array or a group of chars.
Today we will be playing with Strings, definition of a string. in my words a group of bytes in a managed array or a group of chars.
VB 11 Tutorial 1: Getting Started
VB 11 Tutorial 1: Getting Started
Welcome to the first class.
Step 1: you will need a copy of Visual Studio 2012, just download a trial for now
Step 2: after you have installed, click on New, then a dialog will open.
Step 3: then click on Windows then Console Application.
Visual Basic Eleven Thoughts?
What are you first thoughts about Visual Basic Eleven, what do you like about the Environment?
my opinion, I find that the text editor in 2012 is a lot smoother then 2010. The amount of memory that the environment can over load on a 32 bit Operating System. working on a project with around 130,000 lines of code I have to re-open the solution every hour. also I have noticed when having more then 150 - 200 .PNG files increase the chance of having the solution corrupt and having to go to a backup. With the Framework, The Graphics Class does not work properly, you can not draw a one pixel. drawing in VB is very slow and tends to flicker. but besides that the framework is very nice. I am impressed with the controls and the form Designer.
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